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Gottesfuß Alte Reben

VAN VOLXEM, 神之足園百年老藤

Gottesfuß 特級園坐落在極陡峭 (大於45度)、紅色石板岩為主的坡上,如同勃詪地的 La Tache,範圍極小,果實來自160歲的樹藤,以野生酵母於舊橡木桶中自然發酵後,於12000公升大橡木桶中培養12個月以上後釋出,不澄清,不過濾,酒精濃度是標準的12%。


香氣5 | 甜味0 | 單寧0 | 酸度5+

▋ 國際酒評
• RP 96
• Falstaff 97
• JR 19
• Vinous 96

產區:Germany / Saar

    座落在薩爾 Wiltingen 中心地帶的,就是 Van Volxem 酒莊。板岩山坡上的葡萄藤從西元三世紀起,就靜靜見證著這個河谷的興衰起落。羅馬時期干戈戎馬的征戰所揚起的歷史塵埃,使酒莊的光芒漸漸晦暗。直到11世紀,來自比利時的釀酒師 Gustav Van Volxem,經過此後數十年的苦心經營,Van Volxem 已成為世上日耳曼民族的驕傲之一。在第四代莊主 Roman Niewodniczanski 的帶領下,如今的Van Volxem 已經成為德國最具代表性的釀造者。目前酒莊以踏上一段新的旅程,而終點是頂尖。

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    這裡的礦物質豐足的土壤層層疊疊,是四十億年前海洋所留下的足跡。Van Volxem 所追求的,是在這樣受上天眷顧的環境中淬煉出極致平衡的酒款,這些酒擁有漂亮的成熟果香,襯起精準香氣的背後是精巧緊緻的酸度,與一絲不苟的12%酒精相結合後,展現一種近乎完美的平衡感。年輕時充滿著活力且甘甜純淨,瓶內所蘊含的豐富礦物質感以及精巧酸度,在時間催化下所孕育出的,是那經陳年才能企及的完美境界。

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    這裡的礦物質豐足的土壤層層疊疊,是四十億年前海洋所留下的足跡。Van Volxem 所追求的,是在這樣受上天眷顧的環境中淬煉出極致平衡的酒款,這些酒擁有漂亮的成熟果香,襯起精準香氣的背後是精巧緊緻的酸度,與一絲不苟的12%酒精相結合後,展現一種近乎完美的平衡感。年輕時充滿著活力且甘甜純淨,瓶內所蘊含的豐富礦物質感以及精巧酸度,在時間催化下所孕育出的,是那經陳年才能企及的完美境界。

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  • ROBERT PARKER - 96 / 100

    The 2016 Gottesfuss Riesling Alte Reben has a lovely flinty/reductive, refined, pretty stony and initially slightly yeasty bouquet. Lush and elegant, this is a super fine but also super complex and persistent Riesling from roughly 120-years old vines. The finish is enormous, very long and complex but still reductive and very tight, with crunchy fresh slate flavors. The wine tastes pretty dry due to its strong minerality and grip. It's pure and rather filigreed but develops stunning volume and remarkable length.

    JANCIS ROBINSON - 19 / 20

    I’m not sure Roman will see this as a compliment, always trying to break the mould, but there is something very traditional on the nose about the delicate fruit of the Gottesfuss, although it’s complemented by more avant-garde aromas of fresh green herbs, representing the influence of spontaneous fermentation. There’s also a suspicion of caramel, which does not materialise on the palate, due to the great substance of mineral and herbal flavours. I would like to think that this is an authentic reflection of terroir. And it’s invigoratingly fresh too.

    VINOUS - 96 / 100

    Head-turningly heady, musky, bittersweet evocations of iris, narcissus and honeysuckle mingle with scents of fennel pollen and thyme, ripe pear, grapefruit and white peach. The silken palate displays palpable density such as one has come to expect from the fruit of these 120 year old vines, but at the same time not only the infectious, concentrated fresh fruit juiciness but also the swirling, wafting inner-mouth perfume and the sense of vibrancy conveyed on this occasion go beyond even these veteran vines usual memorable performance. Nor are savory or mineral dimensions short-changed amid such seductive richness. On the contrary, the wealth of stony, ore-like and mouthwateringly saline elements streaming through this elixir’s sensationally persistent finish is similarly wondrous to behold.

    FALSTAFF - 94 / 100

    Dense on the palate in all components.

    FALSTAFF - 97 / 100

    Red apple, but predominantly notes of spice: liquorice, allspice, herbs, a touch of oak influence. Dense and broad palate: fine phenolics, almost chewy, ripe acidity, firm, taut and mineral foundation. Shows the warmth of the site and the coolness of the year. A big wine without being heavy.

18 飲酒過量有礙健康、禁止酒駕、未滿十八歲禁止飲酒
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